2018 Reading List
Over the past few years, I've been buying books faster than I've been reading them. For 2018, my quest is to finish off the books growing dust on my shelves. Therefore, I'm only allowed to buy a new book after reading two that I already own. If the titles below seem like a hodgepodge of genres, that's why.
1. The Fisherman † John Langan
3. Wrap it in a Bit of Cheese Like
You're Tricking the Dog † David Thorne
5. Of Mice and Men † John Steinbeck
7. The Director † David Ignatius
9. The Stranger † Albert Camus
11. Revival † Stephen King
13. Writing Horror † Mort Castle
15. The Girl With All the Gifts
† M.R. Carey
17. White is the Coldest Colour
† John Nicholl
19. Green River Blend
† Armand Rosamilia
21. Less Than Human † Tim Meyer
2. Last Days † Brian Evenson
4. Too Far † Rich Shapero
6. Neverwhere † Neil Gaimen
8. Living the Mass † Dominic Grassi
10. The King in Yellow † Robert Chambers
12. Christian Horror † Mike Duran
14. Reviver † Seth Patrick (audiobook)
16. The Gull: and other short tales of horror † David Turton
18. Off Season † Jack Ketchum
20. Curse of the Ancients † Chuck Buda